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ASR 33 Rubber Print Head Pad

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I bought a foot of 3/8" OD 1/4" ID plastic tubing from the hardware store and inserted over the print hammer head (with the old rubber pad removed). Seems to work great...any comments? Anyone done this see any long-term damage? UPDATE: I received a message that Wayne Durkee's "official" word on the replacement of the rubber head is to use 7/16 OD - 5/16 ID vinyl tubing. Cut 7/8 inch long.">... [ read more ]

Teletype Workshop at VCF East

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Here is the official email about the teletypes. Please read this over carefully. Bill Degnan A Vice Pres. M.A.R.C.H. -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. If you have not done so already pick a teletype from the photos here 2. The prices are labeled on the photos: Selling prices: $100 TTY (best cond. has stand, chad paper catch, sheet holder, rare ) $75 TTY (complete/good cond no stand) $75 TTY (fair condition but has stand) $50 TTY (poor cond. / incomplete / parts) 3. There are two ways to get your choice of teletype a. Register for the workshop/Pick up at VCF http://www.vintage....ion=select&id=149 In addition to the workshop itself, your $40 also gets you: - Entry into the drawing to win a free "serviceable" teletype. - $40 appli">... [ read more ]

PDP 11/34A XX RL01 Drives

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ 11/34A Restoration Begins ] 04/15/2011
The PDP 11/34A XX with flat front console panel
I was lucky to find a PDP 11/34a on the local craigslist, a lot including two RL01 drives and the cabinet, cables, and other pieces. No disks. This thread will contain project notes. Orignal "before" pictures">... [ read more ]

CBM Expansion Memory Board 64K

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
PDF Scan of selected pages from the Commodore 8032 64K Memory Expansion Board User Guide.">... [ read more ]

MICROWORLD / 1980 Video

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
William Shatner short documentary about the history of transistors, microelectronics, etc.">... [ read more ]

Lambda Physik TRS 80

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Lambda Physik FL 580 ] 03/30/2011
The Lambda Physik FL 580 Scan Control device used a TRS 80 Model 1 as it's computer. And it's orange.
The Lambda Physik unit powers up and responds to front panel toggle switches. The scan control unit was attached to the TRS 80 Model 1 via the expansion port. The card cage system would likely have been accessed by running a SYSTEM command from the TRS 80 and then at the asterisk prompt a command like /nnnnn where nnnnn = the memory location (?) of the scan control unit. I tried /12345 but it did not activate the unit. This is the memory location of the stringy floppy. Preliminary testing reveals a bad TRS 80 power supply, but when a working supply was used the computer was able to boot up. The computer has 16K. model 26-1006. Also attached to the TRS 80 is a set of">... [ read more ]

Bring up CPM3 for the first time

by monahan_z
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Bringing up CPM3 on a Hard Disk System ] 03/16/2011
Just FYI, I have written up a step by step set of instructions for installing CPM3 on a floppy disk system. The current writeup is for a very simple "Non-Banked" system. I will later enlarge upon this for a "Banked" system and for a more extensive IDE drive hard disk system. See:- http://s100comp...3%20BIOS%20Software.htm">... [ read more ]

The Gavalin SC Laptop

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Hi, I have a question about the Gavalin. ] 02/28/2011
I recently picked up the 2nd Gavilan laptop, the SC model.
The 1984 DOS-based Gavilan SC laptop computer.
There was so much battery acid leakage I was amazed I could even power up the system at all (after cleaning with a baking soda solution). When powered up, the system counts from 1 to 5 and then shows a code "010". Not much else. Does not attempt to boot the diskette that came with it. At least the LCD seems to be OK. pictures">... [ read more ]

Vintage Computer Festival East 7.0

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Official Web Site: Pics of exhibits from past events: http://vintagec...cfeast7 Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists">... [ read more ]

LNW80 Computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Using a VRData Hard Disk III with LNW? ] 02/09/2011
The LNW80 Computer by LNW Research Corporation was a TRS 80 Model 1 clone computer that ran at 4 Mhz.
LNW80 docs
More Pictures I have not been able to boot any OS disks yet, but I have been able to get to the BASIC prompt and run some simple programs. ">... [ read more ]

A New FDC Board for S-100 Systems

by monahan_z
Total messages in this thread: 1
For people that may be interested in building a new S-100 Floppy disk controller (FDC) board that can be configured to work with most 8 and 5 (soft sectored) disks I have designed and built a new Z80 based Western Digital 2793 FDC board. With Andrew's help (3 prototype boards later!) we now have a board that we are very happy with. With its own independent Z80 on board, it is completely command driven via 2 parallel ports (with strobe bits) to/from the S-100 bus. This makes writing BIOS'es for any operating system very simple and easy. For anybody that's interested in obtaining a bare board we will be ordering a batch real soon. Please see here for a more complete description. http://s...s/ZFDC%20Board/ZFDC.htm">... [ read more ]

TRS 80 Model 12

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
S/N plate for a TRS 80 Model 12 26-4004 computer. 64K, one 8" disk drive.
After making a few diskcopies the power supply failed, there is no 12V. So I decided to remove the disk drive for use with my Catweasel system project. This thread contains notes to make re-assembly of the system easier. Note that the ground wire that connects the power supply to the monitor needs to be re-connected. Some reference photos of TRS 80 Model 12 power supply and the factory setting jumpers for TM 848 drive for use in a TRS 80 Model 12. If you come upon this thread and you're trying to restore a model 12 by replacing the TM 848, these pictures will help you se">... [ read more ]

Catweasel / Disk Archives

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This log will contain info on using the catweasel MK4plus PCI card to image Tandy 8" disks. I have dedicated a PC to this purpose. I have two projects in progress at the moment 1. Archive Atari 800 format disks 2. Archive TRS 80 8" disks So far I have set up the system and ran a few "easy" tests involving IBM disks and then an Atari Antic disk. So far so good. Here is a link to Dave dunfield's page about cabling a 8" drive to a 5 1/4" cable. http://www.cla...g29374/cnct.htm Here is a vendor who sells an adapter that converts the 5 1/4" or 3.5" disk cable signal for an 8" drive (the 5 1/4" HD = 8" drive as far as most disk controllers are concerned in general.) Program for reading TRS 80 disks cw2dmk on Tim Mann's web site?">... [ read more ]

CBM 8088 co-processor schematic / ROM

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Scanned schematic and 8088/6509 interprocess communications ROM from the original CBM document. (or a 1st gen copy). With this you can build your own 8088 co processor for your B series Commodore. download">... [ read more ]

Houston Instrument DMP-29 Plotter

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
This Houston Instrument company model DMP-29 Digital Plotter.
A kit was made available to interface this plotter with a TRS 80 Model I computer, and probably the model III/4.
Houston Instrument was a division (or acquired by) Bausch and Lomb, who was active in the computer hardware business during the 1980s. More pictures">... [ read more ]
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