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1955 GENIAC Computer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
cir. 1955 Geniac Kit with Accessories
circa. 1955 GENIAC computer kit with accessories. Note that this box contains nearly two kits (two boards, two sets of discs, etc). Click for larger view.
Back cover of Geniacs booklet
Back cover of Geniacs booklet. Click for larger view.
GENIAC program discs
Note how program discs had different spacings. Click for larger view.
More photos and PDFs NEXT: As">... [ read more ]

Drive Alignment C128D Internal 1571

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
I picked up a C128D with a non-functioning internal 1571 disk drive. Using a copy of 1541/1571 Drive Alignment loaded from an external 1571 drive (logical drive 9), I was able to guess my way through the process, given the directions do not cover the internal 1571 of the C-128D. You can read more how-to from the manual, the closest example is the "newer" external 1571 described on page 7. Note the 4 screws at 12 o'clock in the photo above. The two that are closer together are the stepper motor adjustment screws and they control how far back the stepper motor goes. I made minute adjustments until the program passed the Bump test with an "excel">... [ read more ]

MARCH Spring Workshop

by billdeg
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Evan K working on an Osborne I portable computer. Also pictured is MARCH's PDP 11/20 (on its side). Click Image for larger view.
The first MARCH event since Hurricane Sandy was an "open house" swap meet and workshop (the Vintage Computer Festival was cancelled). Most of us brought items to sale or trade, and we also brought projects to work on. Around 7:30 we all went out for dinner and then returned for more hacking. The event continued the next day but I had to leave around midnight.
Photo of a C-64 Ethernet">... [ read more ]

CBM KIM-1 Rev G Restoration

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 4
Updated: [ Photos Commodore KIM-1 Rev G ] 08/27/2014
Started project to restore a non-functioning Commodore Kim-1 (Rev G). Working with a number of attendees at the Spring MARCH workshop we concluded that the 6502 socket was bad. I also replaced the dual timer chip in U25.
More to come.">... [ read more ]

Motorola MEK6800D2 Microcomputer

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 3
Updated: [ Motorola 6800 JBUG Monitor ] 04/25/2013
1-10-05 Pictures htt...otorola/mek6800d2/ I have not yet tested this single board computer. I have the manual, it's very good, should be fun. Requires a 5V DC @ 2.5 MA. I have to splice up an adapter, etc. ">... [ read more ]

B 128 Alternative OS Expansion Board

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Anderson Communications Engineering Alternate Operating System Expansion Circuit Board for the Commodore B Series computer
More to come!">... [ read more ]


by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 12
Updated: [ RCA 1800 Family Oral History Panel ] 12/21/2018
The 1974 RCA COSMAC Microkit. This is the first commercial microcomputer from RCA to contain the two-chip COSMAC microprocessor (TC 1084 / TC 1085 version). The processor was developed in New Jersey, but the kit itself came out of the RCA Palm Beach Division. Click image for larger view.
RCA COSMAC 3901822
Note the TC 1085 chip on the processor card, which is the earlier name for the CDP 1801 and has a silk screen date of late 1974. Click image for larger view.
Compare the above processor c">... [ read more ]

Intersil 6100 PDP 8 Homebrew System

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Took a few photos of a homebrew Intersil 6100 PDP 8 Homebrew computer built by William F. Dudley Jr. which he donated to MARCH.
More photos I did not get a chance to photograph the ROM card (need to download the 2708 ROMs) nor the processor card. The front panel is a primitive four-digit octal dial. Here is a thread from Mid-Atlantic Retro message board: William F. Dudley Jr. donated another wonderful box of homebrew parts to MARCH: a new unused Intersil 6100 eval kit, several PHI-deck digital cassettes (2 in the original blue eval cases), spare memory cards and schematics. The intention was to build a PDP8 using the 6100 chips and the PHI decks emulating DECtapes to run OS8 and all the PDP8 software. Each memory card is 4k of 12 bit DRAM, 8 max per system. ">... [ read more ]

Trenton Computer Festival 2013

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Mark 8 Minicomputer display at Trenton Computer Festival 2013
Who wouldn't be smiling if they had a beautiful Mark 8 to feature at their computer exhibit? MARCH is proud to have received (on loan) an original Mark 8 computer for our computer museum. The system came to us from David Larson curator of the BugBook Museum located in Floyd Virginia. The Mark 8 was designed by Dr. John Titus and this particular Mark 8 was built by George Overfelt in 1975. The Mark 8 will be displayed within the MARCH vintage computing exhibit within the Infoage Science Center in Wall, NJ. Click image for larger view.
Herb Johnson Heathkit H8 Tren... [ read more ]

Tandy 128K Color Computer 3 (26-3334)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 2
Updated: [ Useful Commands Tandy CoCo ] 03/03/2013
The Tandy 128K Color Computer 3 system with Disk Extended Color BASIC 2.1 boot screen. Also pictured is a dual PERCOM double-density disk drives, manuals and Deluxe Joystick . Click for larger view.
The Tandy 128K Color Computer 3 model 26-3334. Click for larger view.

Wired Magazine Feature

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1 Some of my photos were credited in this article.">... [ read more ]

Commodore Colt Model PC10C

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
The Commodore COLT PC10C was an 8088 processor XT-clone.
The system works but the power supply has a bad line filter cap which needs to be replaced. The system was tested using a Commodore 1950 monitor. The 360K drives work, I cannot locate the Commodore DOS disks. More Photos">... [ read more ]

CBM B-520 (a.k.a B256-80 or B500 256)

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Commodore B500 with 256 K RAM - B520
Pictured are the ROMS from the low-profile B500 (a.k.a "B520" or B256-80). Commodore Labs experimented with a 256K RAM version of the B500 computer, but this version was never sold due to heat or power problems depending on who you talk to about it. Click image for larger area view.
For more information about Commodore B Series computers including the B520 prototype, click here. New Photos">... [ read more ]

IMSAI 8080 Processor Tech CUTER

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
IMSAI 8080 running Processor Technology CUTER
Pictured is the original IMSAI 8080 system that I first started working on in 2005. Since then the original Processor Technology General Purpose Module (GPM) card had failed. I was able to find a new one finally, and restored the system to full function again. Click for larger view.
IMSAI 8080 running Processor Technology CUTER
Here is a screen shot of the top of memory. Click for larger view.
New Pics (dated 2013). Note that the original photos' file dates of 2008 are wrong,">... [ read more ]

Micropolis 10xx Drive Inventory

by billdeg
Total messages in this thread: 1
Micropolis 1022 1033 1053
View of Micropolis disk drives in storage. Left to right: Models 1042 (2), 1022 (2), 1033, 1053 (with spare drive). Click for larger image.
Key pages from Micropolis 10xx manual: Model Versions Page 1-2 Model Versions Page 1-3 Standard Terminal Configurations Note that drives with the blue drive actuator (door) are "Mod II" and 100 TPI, the black lever indicates Mod I which is 48 TPI. More new photos">... [ read more ]
OLDER POSTS (15 threads per page): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |


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    TG 3020

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