1971 DCC-116 model /17 (Nova 1200 clone) |
Archiving Papertapes Using DSI NC 2400by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() DSI NC 2400 papertape reader and punch. Click image for larger view.
![]() DSI NC 2400 papertape reader and punch. Front panel settings/lights:High, REM/CTL, FULL, LINE - On.(Note PU NCH also on) Click image for larger view.
RealTerm with Windows 10.
Find a Trip Lite USB to serial cable if straight through serial connection not possible to your PC. Originally, I could send CTRL+Q to initiate a tape read but inbound the data was not coming through (why is prob discernible but not my concern at the moment).
Use a null modem adapter.
RealTe">... [ read more ]
Catweasel, 8in and 5 1/4by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 5 Updated: [ Tandon TM-848 Repair ] 07/16/2020 I have tried flipping things around and I have found that I can't get the following combination running together. Tandon TM 848-02 8" Qumetrak 142 5 1/4" Catweasel MK4 Plus Cable from PC -->Catweasel-->cable to drives. I have a DBIT adapter for the 8". The twist end of the cable is installed on the intended A drive. BIOS matches drive types (A=5 1/4 360k and B= 5 1/4 1.2m). The terminator is in the B drive. The Qume passes tests and reads disks. Although the Tandon is recognized as the B drive, it always returns a "drive not ready" error in DOS or a "no interrupt from FDC" from the catweasel. Only when I detatch the drive cable from the back of the Qume and run it alone will the Tandon 848-02 pass tests and read disks. Why can't these play together? So I was wondering before I go away to Easter dinner ...Is the READY signal from the Tandon not "strong enough" when anothe">... [ read more ] |
1970 Compusad Compulogical Tutorby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Users guide for the Compulogical Tutor, image courtesy Smithsonian Institute Archives. Click image for larger view.
![]() The 1970 Compusad Compulogical Tutor. Click image for larger view.
![]() Advertisement from Radio Electronics June 1970. Click image for larger view.
NEXT: I have been in contact with the Smithsonian to get a copy of the manual, but until then I plan to do my best to set up some sort of demo program for Kennett Classic exhibit.">... [ read more ]
1979 (/80) CTI MR 2000 Z80 PDAby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The California Technology International MR 2000 was powered by a Z80 CPU and in theory could have been "upgraded" to run BASIC if the manufacturer wanted to do this, but alas true laptops were still a few years away. The MR 2000 came out in 1979 or 1980. Click image for larger view.
The first PDAs came out in the late 1970's, most of which were calculators with memory and simple notes, calendar, address book type functions. CTI took this concept in a different direction with its PDA's. Their concept was born in the MR 2000, which looks like the early laptop computers of the same footprint that came out a year or two later. On the continuum of portable devices the MR 2000 fits perfectly into the flow of developments of the times.
https://www.facebook.com/">... [ read more ]
ComputerMania 1977by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The program cover from Kilobaud Magazine's August 1977 computer convention, "COMPUTERMANIA"
According to the author of the program, the first public demonstration of the Tandy Radio Shack TRS 80 Model 1 was at this convention. 7-8PM on Thursday August 25th.
Commodore, IMSAI, North Star, DEC, IBM, Motorola, OSI, and many others had booths at this convention. Apple and MITS were not there notably.
View PDF (requires guest registration. Sort by Name or Date to locate).">... [ read more ]
Moving Big Iron to Kennett Classicby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Under cover of darkness, father and son preparing to unload a DEC Alpha 2100 4/275, DEC Vax 4000-705a and and a Tektronix 4016 terminal to their new home at Kennett Classic. Click image for larger view. ">... [ read more ]
1958 UNIVAC File Computer Model 1by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The massive storage needs of the UNIVAC File Computer was handled by its cutting edge (for 1958) drum memory system. Pictured is a drum memory control module from the Model 1. Click image for larger view.
![]() Photo of manuals from the Model 1. Click image for larger view.
You can visit these items on display at Kennett Classic.
I am told these computers were most often used by Airline reservation systems, but this set of manuals originated from the Engineering Department of DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware.
Before the advent of the modern movable hard drive seek head, hard drives resembl">... [ read more ]
Computer People for Peaceby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Click for larger image.
Archive (incomplete) mirror of an interesting collection of newsetters for a social activist group active in the late 60's early 70's and based in Brooklyn, NY.
archive">... [ read more ]
SOl-20 909090 pattern fixby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() intel 2102 RAM chips installed on the SOL-20 motherboard. Note some read equiv name AM91L02. I tested and swapped out two of these to resolve the 909090 pattern error displayed on the screen. Click to view larger view.
The last time I used my SOL-20 it was fine, other than the keyboard. I set up my SOL-20 this weekend to see how it would work with the OAE OP-80A papertape reader. I never got that far as when I fired up the machine I was greeted with a screen full of 909090 rather than a SOLOS prompt.
I took a look at the troubleshooting section of the Processor Technologies Sol Systems Manual, page 250. It suggested which TTL chips to test, but I had already checked and ruled out those, so I next tested t">... [ read more ]
Collosus 1980by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The cover of American Cinematographer April 1969. Ever seen the movie Colossus 1980? ">... [ read more ]
1980 Cromemco 3102 Terminalby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The 1980 Cromemco 3102 terminal was made by the Beehive corporation and re-badged for Cromemco. Click image for larger view.
![]() Pictured is the 3102 Terminal with a 1981 Cromemco System One. The terminal has a larger footprint than the computer. In real life, the terminal would sit on the desk and the computer was probably installed under the desktop in a custom enclosure. Click image for larger view.
![]() Pictured is how one would boot from the B d">... [ read more ]
IMSAI PCS-80/30 with Persci 277 Driveby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ Testing Perscii 277 ] 03/18/2020 ![]() This system came into Kenett Classic for repairs. The customer described how the disk does not boot. Click image for larger view.
![]() Here is a photo of the Persci 277 dual disk drive with the cover removed. Click image for larger view.
![]() The system came with a Processor Technologies Sol System Video Monitor, something I had not seen before. Click image for larger view.
">... [ read more ]
1987 Macintosh SE Motherboard Batteryby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The original 1987 Macintosh SE computer. SE stands for "System Expansion", which was a new feature of the small-footprint models. Click image for larger view.
![]() Pictured is the motherboard battery. Change or remove? Click image for larger view.
![]() Remove! Just clip it out. I left the leads so I can replace in the future. Click image for larger view">... [ read more ]
PET 2001-8 Ripple Effect Displayby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 5 Updated: [ Repair completed ] 02/06/2020 ![]() Snapshot in mid motion. Need to diagnose cause of a rippling screen that reminds me of a flag waving in a slow wind. Click image for larger view.
See video:
Going with assumption the brightness, contrast, vertical hold are ok and the screen does not shrink. It looks like a flag slowly rippling in the wind because a cap(s) is failing but not failed entirely.
Probably unrelated is the fact that I had to bang on the chassis when the system was first powered on in order to get the display to show anything. There may also be a cracked solder joint somewhere.
Conclusion - The entire display needs to be worked over,">... [ read more ]
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