UNIVAC 1 and UNIVAC File Computer 1 |
Osborne 1 (b) with RAM Driveby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ Keyboard Replaced ] 06/11/2021 ![]() This Osborne 1b (later models came with with the "bluer trim") includes an innovative external display prosthetic device designed to hold the monitor level on top of the computer while in use. Click image for larger view.
![]() Here is another view of the system. Click image for larger view.
![]() This "Drive C:" expansion unit fits into the disk holder of the computer and functions a">... [ read more ]
MICRO Indexby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Click image to download MICRO Index of articles sorted by system.
At Kennett Classic we have a complete (or near complete) run of MICRO journals. These along with a whole lot more will be available in our library room by the end of the summer. MICRO first appeared in 1977 and it caters to the Apple, AIM, SYM, KIM, Atari, OSI and PET developer. In their own words, MICRO is "the technical reference journal which reports monthly on the development and practical abd theoretical application of new 6502 microcomputer technology"">... [ read more ]
AST PremiumExec 386SX/20 laptopby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() An AST Premium Exec 386SX/20 laptop from about 1991. Click image for larger view.
Powers up, needs a new CMOS battery.">... [ read more ]
RDI PowerLite Sunsparc Laptop 85/110Pby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The RDI PowerLite has a microSPARC II processor and was made to run Sun OS like a Sun SparcStation 5. Click image for larger view.
Alas, struggles but does not power up. Characteristic of a power cap failure. Worth fixing, eh?">... [ read more ]
Amiga 1000 Engineering Sampleby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() This Commodore Amiga 1000 came from the engineering department and was owned by former CBM engineer David Diorio. Click for larger view.
This system is unique because it has no serial number or identification plate on the case, keyboard or mouse. The ROMS are v1.1 and the keyboard has the "bouncing ball" logo in the upper right corner. The power supply switch is backwards. Otherwise it appears to be a normal early Amiga 1000 with a memory expansion board.
More pics">... [ read more ]
Commodore 64C DEV Motherboard 250451by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() C64C dev motherboard with:
PCB ASSY NO.250451PCB No. 251915 Rev.2 printed on it. The VIC chip is missing. Click image for larger view.
I don't see this board documented in the normal places and the PCB does not come up in a search. The VIC-II is missing. The board was originally owned by CBM engineer David Diorio and was donated to Kennett Classic when he unfortunately passed to the great motherboard in the sky recently. My initial guess is that it was a dev board from when the Commodore 64C was being crafted, or David was experimenting or modifying the design somehow. I have asked around to see if anyone knows more.
More 250451 pics
CBM-hackers Thread:
">... [ read more ]
Post Vintage Computingby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ Thoughts about NEW Vintage Computing ] 03/09/2021 ![]() A collection of computers from 1987 through 1995. Click image for more photos as they become available.
The vintage computing GUI era is well represented in this photo from the new Kennett Classic post-vintage gallery on display.">... [ read more ]
iCOM 3712-58 dual 8 in driveby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 4 Updated: [ DERAMP PC2FLOP ] 02/11/2021 ![]() Pictured is the test system set up to explore the functional status of this iCOM 3712-58 dual 8" drive. Click image for larger view.
Referring to a 2006 post I made on a vc forum, Mike Douglas ("DERAMP") contacted me to see where things stood with the project. He had a similar drive. I had not done anything with the drive since 2006. But had I known that I had the correct s-100 interface card for the drive, i would have tried sooner. Mike sent images of the interface cards that work with the iCom. I checked my inventory to finally match an unidentified controller to its peripheral. It was also fortunate that drive had an Altair-compatible CP/M . AND! I picked up along the way the schematics for the drive. I finally had everything to take a">... [ read more ]
Intel 4040 IM 1010 PROM Programmerby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ NOTES / Repairs ] 02/05/2021 ![]() The International Microsystems (IMI) IM 1010 PROM Programmer has an Intel 4040 microprocessor. Pictured is the programmer with the 2708 / 2716 pod option inserted. These pods can be removed and replaced as needed. The system has both Burroughs Panaplex display and serial output, one can switch between them. Click image for larger view.
I have a lot of notes and the schematics. The programmer was donated in a non-working state but I am hoping we can get it rolling again. This programmer has pods that can handle 2708, 2716, 2716-1V, 2732, 2758, 2532.
I am unfamiliar with TIGEN 1 and IM ROSI, but these labels appear as options (ROSI RAM/EMULATE/PROM).">... [ read more ]
Digital DECmate VT278by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 5 Updated: [ Drive Cable Found, but... ] 02/01/2021 ![]() Digital DECmate VT278 Click image for larger view.
EK-VT278 Technical Description
![]() The DECmate VT278 is a PDP 8 on a CPU / RAM board installed in a VT-100 chassis. Pictured here is the SETUP screen one sees upon successful boot. Click image for larger view.
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1976 P.C.C. Features the MAI JOLT 6502by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() The People's Computer Company May 1976 club newspaper featured the MAI JOLT in a classroom setting. Click image to download article.
More JOLT Photos and info on this web site.
http://w...desystems.com/jolt.html">... [ read more ]
Front Panel Testing DCC-116by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() AJ holding the front panel from a DCC-116 mini computer. The DCC-116 is a clone of the Data General 800/1200. Click image for larger view.
![]() AJ's front panel tester. Click image for larger view.
More photos
On the front panel, apply ground to pins 1 and 17 (J4), 5 volts to pin 27, and 12 volts to pin 33. Once you do that the circuit is powered and no lamps should be on. If any lamps are "on" (lit) when you've set power to the board this way, you know that these lamps need an IC (or two) replaced.
Atari ST 520 at Kennett Classicby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() It's always a good idea to crack open a system every so often to test and make sure it's still in operational order. This 520 ST is currently on display at Kennett Classic in the "16-bit" room for visitors to try it out. Click image for larger view.
It has been 11 years since last I ran this computer. More photos">... [ read more ]
1966 SDS Sigma 7 Teletype ASR 33by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ Cleaned Up ] 10/22/2020 ![]() 1966 SDS SIGMA 7 nameplate and manual. This was among the earliest 32-bit computers sold. Click image for larger view.
![]() Cover removed from a Teletype Model ASR 33. This machine is configured to communicate with an Scientific Data Systems "SDS" Sigma 7, which dates it at about 1966 or so. In 1970 SDS put out their confusingly-named SDS SIGMA 6 which included a lot of the optional items found in the 7, standard. Xerox later bought SDS and renamed everything with an "SDS" to XDS. Click image for larger view.
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Updated: [ UNIVAC 60 / 120 modules and 5823 tubes ] 08/23/2021