Epson Geneva PX-8 | by Bill Degnan - 08/19/2007 22:17 |
The Epson Geneva PX-8 was an early LCD laptop from Epson. It ran CP/M and used a Z-80 processor. The standard storage was a mini cassette, but an external 3.5" disk drive was available.
I have done some preliminary testing of this system, the LCD is a little weak. Fortunately I have a replacement display. I have the complete documentation and extra parts as well as the complete system. In addition to the PX-8 system I have a CX-80 Acoustic Coupler modem, a PF-10 external 3.5" disk drive, and Dbase II, The "Travelers Pack", and the Epson Software Libarary software. UPDATE: Looking for the utility disk that came with the PF-10 disk drive. Reply |
Epson PF-10 Utility Disk | by Bill Degnan - 12/24/2007 00:09 |
Got a utility disk! Next: making disk copies.
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Epson PF-10 Disk Drive | by Bill Degnan - 09/24/2012 13:02 |
The internal battery from the Epson PF-10 external diskdrive. The drive itself is a model SMD-165. The drive will not functiopn until the battery is charged, or replaced.
Acquired diskette, working to replace battery. Note - the utilities disk is not needed to boot, the system will automatically assign a drive letter when the external drive is detected. Reply |