Intel MDS 720 Dual 8 inch disk drive | by Bill Degnan - 07/30/2012 15:51 |
The Intel-branded model MDS 720 dual 8 inch disk drive enclosure. Click image for larger view.
The "before" image before restoration starts. These are very rare, I could not find any info about this drive on the web, but it looks to have Shugart 800's in it. We'll see... pics Reply |
Shugart 800 Jumpers Intel MDS 720 | by Bill Degnan - 09/30/2012 20:49 |
..and after an extensive cleaning...not bad. The insides are in great shape, belt is solid.
Took extensive photos of the controller boards for both Drive 0 and Drive 1, so that one can set up a MMFM Intel drive should they not have the original Intel MDS 720 available. Reply |