Notes on Bitstreamer II for Altair | by Bill Degnan - 05/27/2010 09:41 |
From Tom of the Altair Yahoo Group:
The Bitstreamer II works in an Altair mainframe and provides three serial ports plus parallel ports. The Bitstreamer II works at 4MHz with 8251A IO chips. The Bitstreamer II works atb 6MHz with 9551 IO chips. The Bitstreamer II has software available for the MDM 7.12 modem program and Tarbell 1011D controller CP/M. The Bitstreamer II can exist in an Altair with minimum port address conflict. The Bitstreamer II works with the VG Z-80, PR-III, and ZCB. The Bitstreamer II works with the VG 2K 4.0C monitor and my 4.0x monitor. Source code is available for both Z80 monitors. Reply |