by Bill Degnan - 10/16/2018 00:25 | |
Pictured are the rear connectors including three video ports. Click image for larger view.
I thought I'd take a stab at getting the color video port to work but it looks like I need to make a custom cable. Nothing I have on hard is a direct pin-out match. I was hoping my Commodore 1084 or Magnavox Professional display with RGB cable would work. Neither can handle the refresh rate. I have a color display for my Apple III, but the cables are not compatible. I think it's worth making an adapter and trying the Apple /// display, it's the most likely candidate for success. For the record I tried a Sony compact display unit, a Tandy RGB display and even an IBM CGA display. None work with default connector. I have the manual I just need to make a flexible adapter and retry using the schematic of the machine vs. the display used. Yes this is smoke you see spewing from the drive bay, from a blown filter cap. Fortunately this is not a fatal failure, just annoying. Click image for larger view.
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