setting reply-to VMS Mail with MULTINET | by Bill Degnan - 06/04/2019 09:04 |
Cover of the Introduction to VAX/VMS Manual 1987
Peter Coughlin writes: "... Specifying the REPLY_TO Header The MULTINET_SMTP_REPLY_TO logical name lets you specify the value for the RFC822 REPLY-TO: header. For example to set your Reply-To: header to FNORD@FLOWERS.COM, use the command: $ DEFINE MULTINET_SMTP_REPLY_TO "FNORD@FLOWERS.COM" This logical name only affects mail agents that use the SMTP% interface (for example OpenVMS and DECWindows mail). Endquote. In case it is not clear, you should define this logical name in DCL before you run VMS MAIL and it will then apply when you send mail to an address prefixed by SMTP%. I will add that you could probably use DEFINE /SYSTEM if you want this to apply to all users on the system or you could put the command in a users if you only want it to apply to that particular user. If you want to get really fancy, you can use lexical functions such as for example F$GETJPI(0, "USERNAME") to come up with a single logical name definition that will work correctly for any user on the system without modification. ..." MULTINET DOCUMENTATION: (v 5) Reply |
Permanently set MULTINET_SMTP_REPLY_TO | by Bill Degnan - 10/03/2019 07:49 |
Adding to the earlier message in this thread you can't set the reply-to value in the multinet menu-drrven config tool
$ MULTINET CONFIGURE /MENU ...or command line. Further, you can't insert a line that sets the reply to value in because MULTINET_SMTP_REPLY_TO is set after login. I edited the SYSTEM user's (each user has their own) to include the DEFINE statement to set MULTINET_SMTP_REPLY_TO for SYSTEM, and proceeded to do this in a regular user's account. ...worked. This means that if you want to protect the gateway from being hijacked, EVERY USER needs to have an alias created on the gateway mail server I am using ( that forwards mail to its corresponding microvax 3100 user. The mail user will be DEFINE'd in at the user level's see also: Prevent VMS MULTINET SMTP Relay Hijacks and Adding VMS Users and Setting Disk Quota next I could set up a pattern for a lexical function such as for example F$GETJPI(0, "USERNAME") to come up with a single logical name definition that will work correctly for any user on the system without modification *assuming the gateway pair email alias uses same format*. i.e. --> Reply |