Computer Products Co. Card Inventory | by Bill Degnan - 03/04/2014 11:45 |
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MAKE OFFER(S) Computer Products / CP A Fort Lauderdale Firm that makes controller cards for engineering purposes. These cards may have been used in a DEC A/D system in the 80's. PART NUM / DESCRIPTION / (QTY) 021-177 LL GATE CARD (2) 021-058 OPTICALLY ISOLATED INPUT 006-019-0 A/D CONVERTER 021-161 4 CHAN RGTR D/A CONV (2) 021-0027 DIGITAL OUTPUT 021-0176 021-5229 021-0032 021-0205 RELAY BOARD 021-5232 RELAY BOARD 021-5389-0008 PANEL SWITCH BD 021-5235 PANEL LIGHTS 021-100 PANEL LIGHTS 021-0016 021-0004 TERMINATOR? 021-099 DIGITAL INPUT TEST --- EXTENDER PD --- CONSOLE RIBBON CABLE CONNECTOR Reply |
Request for Pictures | by Bill Degnan - 11/02/2016 07:46 | Inquiry Contact Information Name: Randy ------------------------- Comments: In regards to blog post titled Computer Products Co. Card Inventory I would be most grateful if you woud text images of these cards as I am interested. To take all of these cards out of the packaging and photo would be time consuming, best if you can come to my location to look through them yourself, but here is a quick pic of the box with the lid open, a few cards to show the edge connectors are from 11/44 era. Reply |