Apple II / Biorhythm 2008 | by Bill Degnan - 08/24/2008 23:21 |
Today I finished the alpha version an AppleSoft BASIC program for calculating a person's Biorhythm. There is no MOD function in AppleSoft (floating point) BASIC, and variables can only be one letter. I had to write a routine to calculate leap years without being able to call a MOD function, and my method is to compare the integer value of the quotient with the original quotient. I am not sure if it will work. I want to be able to plug any date from 1752 to 5000 AD to get a result. I also used a lot of arrays to get around the limit to the number of available simultaneous variables. There is a MOD function in the earlier Wosniak Interger BASIC, but its other limitations outweighed it's use. I do plan to have at least one Apple Integer BASIC demo program available as well, for authenticity-sake.
Pictures of the Apple II setup coming soon. Reply |