Based on chapter 3 of the RT-11 System Reference Manual Januay 1976. This is version 2.x of RT-11 . = RT-11 monitor prompt * = EDIT command prompt (use ^C to return to command mode) ! = EDIT Immediate Mode prompt Commands are terminated not by the RETURN key, but ESC twice (ALTMODE key) Call EDIT: R EDIT Restart EDIT (buffer contents is lost): .R EDIT or .REENTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keys in EDIT: ESC (ALTMODE) echoes $. A single ESC terminates a text string. A second ESC executes a command string. This allows specifying multiple commands on a command line (seperated by a single ESC) (after executing the ED command, two ESC keys on an empty line invokes the Immediate Mode) ^C echoes ^C (up arrow C) A single ^C terminates the current command A double ^C aborts I/O in progress Returns to command mode ^O echoes ^O (up arrow O) and carriage return Halts output to the terminal until completion of the current command string. A second ^O resumes output. ^U echoes ^U (up arrow U) and carriage return Delete all characters on the current line DELETE (RUBOUT) Delete the character left of the cursor. Works in both Command and Text mode. TAB Spaces to next tab stop. Tab stops are usually 8 chars apart. ^X echoes ^C (up arrow X) Ignores the current command and returns to command mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command arguments Arguments for commands are positioned _before_ the command letter. n An integer in range -16383 to +16383. A '+' is optional, a '-' is mandatory. 0 The beginning of the current line. / The end of text in the current Text buffer. = J, D, C command only. Represents -n which is the length of the last text argument. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command modifiers n<....> This sequence will execute the commands at ... to be executed n times. n<...> sequences are nestable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- dev is default the device 'DK:' n is the size of the read part or the diskspace reserved fot the file to be written. Input/Output commands --------------------- ER[dev]fileName.ext[n] Specifies read file. EW[dev]fileName.ext[n] Specifies write file. EB[dev]fileName.ext[n] Copies the original file to fileName.bak, and specifies the write file to fileName.ext. R Read (part of) the file. Three variants: - A FormFeed character stops the reading (paged reading) - Read buffer almost full (max - 500 chars) - An end of file condition is met W Write (part of) the file. With the command arguments, four variants: - nW - write all characters from the pointer to the nth line to the output file. - -nW - write all characters from the -nth line to the pointer to the output file. - 0W - write text from the start from the current line to the pointer to the output file. - /W - write text from the pointer to the end of the buffer to the output file. So no direct W command to write the whole text buffer to the file. Use 'B/W' for this. N Write the current text buffer to the output file and reads the next page from the input file. Moving multiple pages is possible with nN, but n can only be positive! L Prints lines from the buffer to the console screen. - nL - Print n lines starting at the pointer. - -nL - Print n lines ending with the pointer. - 0L - Print the current line up to the pointer. - /L - Prints from the pointer to the end of the buffer. V Prints the current line EF Closes the current output file. EF is implied by EW, and EB. EX Copies the remainder of the input file to the output file and closes both and returns to the monitor. Pointer relocation ------------------ B Moves the pointer to the beginning of the text buffer. J Moves the pointer in the text buffer. - nJ - moves the pointer n characters (+ or -) - 0J - moves the pointer to the beginning of the next line. - /J - moves the pointer to the end of the text buffer (equal to /A). - =J - moves the pointer backwards n characters, n being the last text argument. A Advances the pointer a number of lines in the text buffer - nA - moves the pointer n lines (+ or -) - 0A - moves the pointer to the start of the current line. - /A - moves the pointer to the end of the text buffer (equal to /J). Search Commands --------------- G Find text in text buffer - nGtext - Starting from the pointer position, set the pointer after the nth occurrance of 'text' or at the end of the test buffer of not found. F Find text in input file - nFtext - Starting from the pointer position, set the pointer after the nth occurrance of 'text' or at the beginning of an empty text buffer. All text in between is copied to the output file. P Find text in input file - nPtext - Starting from the pointer position, set the pointer after the nth occurrance of 'text' or at the beginning of an empty text buffer. No text in between is copied to the output file. Text Modification Commands -------------------------- I Insert text starting at the pointer position. Multiple lines separated by RETURN are supported. Terminate the text with ESC. D Delete characters - nD - Delete n characters (forward or backward from the pointer). - 0D - Delete all characters from the beginning of the line up to the pointer (equivalent with 0K). - /D - Delete all characters from the pointer to the end of the text buffer (equivalent with /K). - =D - Delete n characters, n being the last text argument. K Kill lines - nK - Delete n lines (forward or backward from the pointer). - 0K - Delete all characters from the beginning of the line up to the pointer (equivalent with 0D). - /K - Delete all characters from the pointer to the end of the text buffer (equivalent with /D). C Replace characters - nCtext - Replace n characters from the pointer with text (forward or backward from the pointer). - 0Ctext - Replace the characters from the beginning of the current line up to the pointer with text. - /Ctext - Replace n characters from the pointer to the end of the text buffer with text. - =Ctext - Replace the n characters before the pointer with text, n being the last text argument. X Exchange lines - nXtext - Exchange n lines from the pointer to text (forward or backward from the pointer). - 0Xtext - Exchange the characters from the beginning of the current line up to the pointer with text. - /Xtext - Exchange the lines from the pointer to the end of the text buffer with text (equivalent to /C). Utility Commands ---------------- S Save lines. nS saves n lines from the pointer to the Save Buffer. U Unsave. Inserts the Save Buffer contents at the pointer position. OU clears the Save Buffer. M Inserts a command string into the Macro Buffer or clears it. - M/commandString/ - Store commandString in the Macro Buffer - 0M (or M//) - Clears the Macro Buffer EM Executes the command in the Macro Buffer. nEM executes it n times. EV Displays the EDIT version number EL Enable lower case characters. Commands are case insensitive. EU reverts to upper case mode, as do the EF, EX commands and the ^C key. Display Editor -------------- ED Invoke the Display Editor Invoke Immediate Mode: ESC ESC on an empty line. In Immediate Mode text can be typed. Special keys are: ^N Advance the cursor (pointer) to the beginning of the next line (equivalent with A). ^G Set the cursor the the beginning of the previous line (equivalent with -A). ^D Move the cursor forward one character (equivalent with J). ^V Move the cursor back by one character (equivalent with -J). DELETE Delete the character left of the cursor (equivalent to -D). ^C Return to monitor. ESC Return to Command Mode ESC ESC Return to Immediate Mode.