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This application program, used to create and edit
text files, is equipped with a wide range of
word-processing features. These include automatic
word-wrapping, finding a specified character
string, copying text, Cut and Paste operations

On accessing TEXT, the prompt File to edit?
appears on the screen. Enter a file name, not
exceeding 6 characters in length. A file name may
not begin with a number or with any of the
following characters:

! " # $ % & '
() + * : , . /

and may not include a colon (:) or period (.).
All files are automatically suffixed .DO by the

When the file name has been accepted, the cursor
appears as a flashing arrow-head at the top of
the screen and the text can be typed in. Once a
file has been created, pressing <F8> closes the
file, saves it in RAM and returns the user to the
main menu. The file name, suffixed .DC by the
Ml0, will appear on the main menu.

To remove a TEXT file from RAM, access BASIC,
type in

KlLL"filename" (include the double guotes and the
suffix .DO)

and press <ENTER>. This deletes the file.

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