$! CAPTIVE_MENU.COM $! $! A simple CAPTIVE menu system to select one of four applications $! $ on error then goto DISP_MENU $ on CONTROL_Y then goto DISP_MENU $ set control=(t,y) ! Enable interrupts $ wso:==write sys$output $! $DISP_MENU: $ wso "1 - Word Processing" $ wso "2 - LOTUS 1-2-3" $ wso "3 - Mail" $ wso "4 - Logout" $ wso "" $ read/end=DISP_MENU/prompt="Enter Selection (1-4): " sys$command inp $! $ if inp .lt 1 .or inp .gt. 4 $ then $ read/end=DISP_MENU/prompt= - "Invalid command, press to continue." SYS$COMMAND INP $ goto DISP_MENU $ endif $! $ if inp .EQ. 1 $ then $ DEFINE/USER SYS$INPUT SYS$COMMAND $! Invoke WP application here $ GOTO DISP_MENU $ endif $! $ if inp .EQ. 2 $ then $ DEFINE/USER SYS$INPUT SYS$COMMAND $! Invoke 123 application here $ GOTO DISP_MENU $ endif $! $ if inp .EQ. 3 $ then $ DEFINE/USER SYS$INPUT SYS$COMMAND $ MAIL $ GOTO DISP_MENU $ endif $! $ if inp .EQ. 4 then LOGOUT