$! $! BCK_SETS.COM $! $! Associates disk names with a "Backup Set" and defines the $! attributes for each backup. $! $! When executed this procedure sets up global symbols that are $! passed back to the calling procedure (e.g. BCK_NIGHTLY and BCK_SCHED) $! $! Parameters: $! $! P1[required] - Backup set $! $ bck_numsets == 2 $ bck_sets == "/S01/S02/" $ bckset = p1 $ if p1 .eqs. "" then exit $ goto SET_'bckset' $! ------------------------------------------- $! Backup Disk Set "S01" $! ------------------------------------------- $SET_S01: $ BCK_TAPE == "MUA0:" $ BCK_OUTQUAL == "/BLOCK=40000/GROUP=10" $ BCK_COUNT == 2 $ BCK_DEVICES == "/DISK$USER1/DISK$USER2/" $ BCK_SAVESETS == "/IMAGEU1/IMAGEU2/" $ BCK_DAILY == "MonTueWedThu" ! Daily backups on these days $ BCK_WEEKLY == "Fri" ! Weekly backup on this day $ BCK_MONTHLY == "2" ! Monthly on this week number $ BCK_YEARLY == "2" ! Yearly during 2nd month of year $ EXIT $! $! ------------------------------------------- $! Backup Disk Set "S02" $! ------------------------------------------- $SET_S02: $ BCK_TAPE == "MUA0:" $ BCK_OUTQUAL == "/BLOCK=40000/GROUP=10" $ BCK_COUNT == 1 $ BCK_DEVICES == "/DISK$SCR1/ $ BCK_SAVESETS == "/IMAGES1/" $ BCK_DAILY == "Mon" ! Daily backups on these days $ BCK_WEEKLY == "Tue" ! Weekly backup on this day $ BCK_MONTHLY == "2" ! Monthly on this week number $ BCK_YEARLY == "" ! No Yearly backup $ EXIT