$! ACCT_MENU.COM $! 01-Aug-91 L Baldwin $ GOTO SKIP_CNTRLY $!---------------------------------------------------------------- $! $! Control Y was press if we got to this routine. $! Put this here so there is FAST response to ^Y $! $!---------------------------------------------------------------- $CNTRLY: $ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Command procedure aborted by Control Y $ EXIT $! $SKIP_CNTRLY: $! $! This is the new MENU command file which will allow the system $! manager to do things even if he has never read the manual. $! $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO CNTRLY $ SAY = "WRITE SYS$OUTPUT" $ IF .NOT.F$GETDVI("SYS$OUTPUT","TT_ANSICRT") THEN CLS = CRLF+DASHES+CRLF $ GOTO MENU_NOWAIT $! $! Enter here, if you do not want the text on the screen to disappear $! $ MAIN_MENU: $ SAY "" $ INQUIRE/NOPUNCT DUMMY " Press [return] for main menu" $! $MENU_NOWAIT: $ MENU_ENTRIES = 4 $ SAY CLS $ TYPE SYS$INPUT M A N A G E U S E R S M E N U 1 - RETURN - Return to previous menu 2 - ADDUSER - Add a new user 3 - REMUSER - Remove an existing user 4 - UAFRPT - Product a report of all existing users $! $ INQUIRE/NOPUNCT NUMBER "Enter a number: " $ IF NUMBER .EQS. "" THEN EXIT $ N = F$INTEGER(NUMBER) $ IF ((N.LT.1).OR.(N.GT.MENU_ENTRIES)) THEN GOTO MM_ERROR $ SAY CLS $ GOTO DO_'F$STRING(N)' $! $! An incorrect answer has been entered if here. $! $ MM_ERROR: $ TYPE TASM$COM:TASM_MENU_INPERR.MSG $ GOTO MAIN_MENU $!-------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $! We have received a valid entry $! $!-------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $! $DO_1: $ EXIT $! $DO_2: $ @TASM$COM:ACCT_ADDUSER $ GOTO MAIN_MENU $! $DO_3: $! $ @TASM$COM:ACCT_REMUSER $ GOTO MAIN_MENU $! $DO_4: $ @TASM$COM:ACCT_UAFRPT $ GOTO MAIN_MENU