$! SYCONFIG.COM $! $ SET NOON ! Disable default error handler $! $! Redirect Output to a log file $! $ DEFINE SYS$OUTPUT SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.LOG $ DEFINE SYS$ERROR SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.LOG $ SET PREFIX " " ! Enable time-stamps on log file $ SET VERIFY $ OPEN/WRITE CONSOLE OPA0: $ SAY:=CALL DO_OUTPUT ! Send output to logfile and Console $ SAY "Starting SYCONFIG" $! $! This is an empty site-specific device configuration procedure. $! If you have specific device configuration requirements at your $! site, you should place the required commands in this procedure. $! $ SAY "Completed SYCONFIG" $ CLOSE CONSOLE $ SET NOPREFIX $ SET NOVERIFY $ EXIT $! $DO_OUTPUT: SUBROUTINE $ string = f$fao("!/!AS!AS!AS!/","*** ",p1," ***") $ write console string $ EXIT